Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Speed Bump #22

I can't believe it! My doctor said I can start wean off this darn ventilator! I've gone from being at death's door (yes) in August 2011 to today. I still have a long way to go. Living in a power chair the rest of my life iS better than the alternative. I trust Him to get me through this. Seven months does. Only the Lord knows how long I have to go. Pray for me.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Speed Bump #21

Every morning I wake up thanking Him for another day. I remind myself how blessed I am and to trust the Lord to repair my body. MercyMe's song, Beautiful, I play every morning. "you are treasured, you are sacred, you are His."

So a bit more of the story: I fell asleep waiting for my room at Loudoun. As it was told to me later, it quickly became apparent that I was going into respiratory failure and Loudoun couldn't handle me. Since I had been going to Georgetown's ALS clinic, it was decided to medivac me there.

Getting tired so I will stop here except for one last comment. I missed my first and perhaps only helicopter ride!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Speed bump #20

Well I'm finally back. It has been long, slow road. In the coming posts I will try to catch you all up. Needless to say it is not a pleasant story. I had begun to feel funny but didn't say anything. With Dad's death and his estate. Finally on the evening of August 2nd Dennis took me to the ER. I had pneumonia and they said a room was getting ready for me. Since it was late Dennis went home to see me the next morning iN my room.

That was the last I saw Dennis or knew anything of the month of August. I woke up weeks later, in another hospital, hooked to a ventilator and tied to my bed.