It's been awhile since I have sat down to post but many thoughts are making their way from brain to fingers. Since my last post I have had another non-ALS related health problem. Since February when clots were discovered iin both lungs, I have been taking medication but unable to stabilize things. Around the end of April I began to notice bruising and then re-bruising on my outer right thigh. Since my right leg and foot was the stronger of the two I would always lead with that foot to turn around to sit. Well I started having pain when I would hit the same spot when trying to sit on my walker. However, Dennis never saw a bruise. Then I noticed my leg from the knee up was beginning to swell up. But I thought it'll go away. Everyone told me not to worry, etc. A small voice in my head kept saying I should be cautious due to the blood thinner medicine.
Finally on Saturday, April 30th after Dennis and I had gone to a local garden center in the handicapped van, I told him I was in so much pain. He decided to take me to the ER. Once we were there and equipped with 4 bracelets (the one I loved was the "FALL ALERT" bracelet), a sonogram was done on my right leg which showed no clot or evidence of a clot. Blood test did reveal my "PT INR" count was too high. It was determined that my bruises were "bleeding out" into my leg. I was given pain medicine and sent home.
I stayed home Monday in great pain and saw my doctor on Tuesday. I was told no work for the week and reaccess for next week. It would take my body time to re-absorb the red cells into my body. Dennis stayed home Monday - Wednesday and went into school half days on Thursday and Friday. I was still in pain AND unable to stand on this leg which meant that Dennis would have to lift me all the time.
Lifting me involves me putting my arms around Dennis' neck and trusting him to keep me from falling. Another of life's lessons. That is scary trust! Besides that I had to stay quiet since my mouth was so near to his ear!! I can't even imagine that trust/faith to walk on water when told to step out of a boat. I can't say I've totally learned that lesson but I am working on it.
To be continued.
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